þriðjudagur, nóvember 14, 2006

Not too much going on here in Manchester. Andy has started his new job and is over the moon about it. First day was spent walking with academics and artist down Oxford Road to explore the biodiversity of the urban environment. This was done to prepare an exhibition on nature in cities. Sounds very cool. So proud of my man.

In other news. Soldiers keep getting killed over in Iraq. What a complete mess and the dangerous thing is that people are getting use to this. We don’t really see any demonstrations any more. It’s like people have given up hope for this ever coming to an end. They are getting idle and to busy catching up with “Celebrity…get me out of here”.

While this carnage is still going on the most remarkable thing has happened. A group of prisoners have now won a claim against the authorities on the grounds of human rights for letting them go “cold turkey” but they were all heroin addicts. To sum up they sued and won because they were denied access to heroin after being jailed and this breached their constitutional rights. Each got £3500 paid by who else than me and other tax payers of this wonderful country.

What a mess

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